By: David Bischoff
Another Star Trek novel lives up to the legacy as David Bischoff takes us on a race against the clock. When the Enterprise is assigned to investigate a distress call from a the Beta Epsilon Science Station, they encounter a creature never before seen by StarFleet. Essentially a clay when in the right magnetic polarity, it becomes a living thing and begins using itself to replace all other matter. It's a race against time as the Enterprise is condemned after being affected by the creature and nearly falling apart in space, and Captain Picard and his crew fight to save their ship from its almost inevitable destruction. This adventure wasn't as fast paced as some of the others I've read, but the story is still solid and could have made a fine episode. It is also hindered by the large amount of scientific techno-talk involved in understanding this adventure, though it doesn't stop the action or suspense. Recommended to any fans of the series! Review by Barron. (Fiction) 08/13/09