By: Rachel Caine
To be honest, I picked up this book because the cover had a blurb from Jim Butcher, and I've really enjoyed his "Dresden Files." In fact, Ill Wind reminded me a lot of a Dresden book. It's an urban fantasy, about people who are supernaturally gifted, and it is written in first person, with a very similar narrative voice. So if you like Dresden, you'll probably like Ill Wind. But even if you don't know Jim Butcher, I'd recommend taking a look at this series.("Weather Warden"). The particular premise is that there are people gifted with power to control certain fundamental aspects of nature-fire, air/weather, earth, and water. I couldn't help thinking of the "Avatar" animated series when I started reading this, with its earth benders, air benders, etc. But this book, with its modern setting, also draws on scientific descriptions of the physics and chemistry of weather to explain just what the characters are doing with their super powers. The effect is quite engaging, and has a unique feel to it. It does put weather in a different light. Within the context of these powers, the story is sort of a quest, with the heroine seeking something to save her from a mortal danger, while being pursued by powerful foes, who for much of the story are unidentified. The resolution was surprising. I would recommend it. (Fiction) 08/13/09